刊號/Serial number 刊名/Series title 期數/Volume  訂閱價格 /Price
MK-71023 Africa Geographic 10  $           3,000
MS-71028 Animal Fair    6  $           1,560
MS-71045 Aquarium Fish Magz       10  $           2,400
MS-71026 Bark                                          4  $           1,040
MK-71053 Bird Keeper 10  $           3,100
MS-71020 Bird Talk 10  $           2,400
MS-71025 Bird Wahtcher's Digest 6  $           1,440
MK-71020 Bird Watching 10  $           3,200
MS-71040 Birder's World 6  $           1,920
MS-71015 Canter 4  $           1,280
MS-71048 Cat Fancy 10  $           2,300
MS-71018 Dog Fancy 10  $           2,400
MS-71017 Dog World 10  $           2,400
MS-72049 Dogs in Canada   10  $           2,300
MS-71016 Equus 10  $           2,500
MS-71011 Fido Friendl 4  $           1,160
MS-71041 Florida Sportsman    10  $           2,500
MS-71043 Fly Fisherman 6  $           1,740
MS-71052 Flyfishing & Trying Journal 4  $         1,360
MS-71038 Modern Dog       10  $         3,000
MS-71053 Outdoor World 10  $         2,900
MK-71025 Pacific Coast Sportfishing    10  $         3,100
MS-71051 Parrots 6  $         1,500
MS-71019c Pet & Aviary Birds    4  $         1,000
MS-71044 Pet Publishing: Cats & Kittens 6  $         1,440
MS-71030 Striped Bass 4  $         1,680
MS-71055 The Canadian Fly Fisher 10  $         2,800
MK-71031 The New York Dog 10  $         2,700
MS-71034 Today's Flyfisher 10  $         3,000
MS-71036 Tropical Fish Hobbyist 6  $         1,500
MK-71021 Wild Bird 10  $         2,700
MS-71021 Wildlife 10  $         2,200
MK-71001 Wildlife Conservation 10  $         2,800
MS-71032 Your Cat 4  $         1,120
MS-71031 Freshwater & Marine Aquarium 10  $         2,400
MS-71042 In-Fisherman   10  $         2,600
MK-71024 Africa Birds & Birding 6  $           1,800
MK-71023 Africa Geographic 10  $           3,000
MI-71031 Aqua Geographia 不定期  $              430
MK-71037 Big Carp 不定期  $              370
MK-71053 Bird Keeper 10  $           2,900
MS-71020 Bird Talk 12  $           2,880
MK-71020 Bird Watching 10  $           3,000
MS-71048 Cat Fancy 12  $           2,760
MS-71018 Dog Fancy 12  $           2,880
MS-71017 Dog World 12  $           2,880
MS-71033 Fish & Fly 4  $           1,120
MS-71032 Flyfishing & Trying Journal 4  $           1,120
MS-71031 Freshwater & Marine Aquarium 12  $           2,880
MK-71025 Parrots 10  $           3,100
MS-71030 The Canadian Fly Fisher 4  $           1,400
MS-71034 Tropical Fish Hobbyist 12  $           3,000
MK-71021 Wildlife 10  $           2,700
MS-71021 Wildlife Conservation 12  $           2,880
MK-71001 Your Cat 10  $           2,500